Monday, November 26, 2007

ohwellwhatever NEVERMIND. hellohellohellohello.

With a shocking how-did-it-go-so-fast total of four, count 'em FOUR days remaining in NaNoWriMo.
I have written 44,623 words of the needed 50,000.
Today I wrote a total of 1,596 words.
And, I rounded out and finished Chapter Eleven at a very low total of 2,405 words.
Rally Week will equal hardships and a lot of them. It's all battlescenes and philosophy from here on out.
But, I'll only have to stretch it out for the remaining 5,377 words, which (and watch me jinx myself) want to knock out in the next two days.

Yes, I did have a soundtrack today. Although small, it was very awesome and inspiring.
Just a few songs from Silversun Pickups, and just a few songs from Nirvana.

Wow. Rally Week, I don't think we'll be best friends.
But, I'm definitely not best friends with you '1667'-ers, because I'm kicking your asses by 1,281 words.

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