Saturday, November 10, 2007

thisis HOWwe'llDANCE when, whentheyTryTo TAKE US DOWN.

Okay, so the finished chapter six is 3,375 words.
And, my whopping total is 17,621 words.
I'm 951 words above those on the '1667' approach.

No music today.
But, Franci's better, and I was talking to her.

Friday, November 9, 2007

i'm SICK of Dancin' Alone.

Okay, my new total is 16,043 words, and I hope to hit 20k when Sunday's done, and be half-through by Tuesday or Wednesday.
So, so far Chapter Six is 1,797 words. And today I wrote 1,797 words.
And, I'm leading the '1667' group by, 1,040. No shit! Really?
Wow, now I'm over-confident. I'm now like 5x more cocky than I was five seconds ago.

Today's music was Rilo Kiley, a little Junior Varsity, and the Audition.

Today was my slowest day.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

CROSSmeOFFyour list.

Okay, wow, now I'm way ahead of schedule. My total count is 14,246 words.
Today I wrote 1,904 words, which brings (the now finished) chapter five to a total of 3,752 words.
So, if you're doing the '1667' approach, I'm officially leading you by 910 words.
Yep, the kid is back, and I'm plently 'in love' with my novel that I think the two of us will grow a lot closer during this 'week two' thing.

Finally, I got around to listening to the album 'Running On Empty' by Jackson Browne, if you haven't fallen in love with him, then what the hell have you been listening to all these years?
Also, today was more re-listening to Hawthorne Heights, and a little bit of The Rocket Summer.

This was probably one of my favorite days so far in November.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

areyou HavingTROUBLE in St. Louis?

So, I'm finally back on my game. I'm now into chapter five, and I wrote 1,848 words of it today. My word count total is now 12,342.
Finally back to kicking ass, but my novel has me much too busy to be taking names, or showering.

Today's music was the album 'The Meaning In Makeup' by My American Heart. More re-listening to The Audition, and a little bit more of The Junior Varsity there towards the end.

Oh yeah, if you're doing the '1667' approach, I'm kicking your ass by 673 words.
Yeah, here comes my confidence returning.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

soifTHISis TheEND, i hope it GoesAsPlanned.

For everyone taking the '1667' aproach, I'm 492 words ahead of you, at a grand total of 10,494.
This is starting to trip me up a little, but I'm going to try to powerhouse tomorrow, I think I just slowed down when I hit a part with less action, but it's all good. Or it should be.

Today was devoted to 'Cinematographic' by The Junior Varsity, one of the year's best albums, as well as re-listening to 'Controversy Loves Company' by The Audition. Listen and learn.

Tomorrow, if my word count doesn't hit 12.5k, someone slap me, hard.
Today though, I hit 1,383.

Monday, November 5, 2007

it'sOBVIOUSthatyou're Dying, dying.

I wanted to make the gap larger, so I succeeded in making the gap smaller.
If you're taking the '1667' approach, you'd have 8,335. I have 9,111. So, down to a mere difference of 776 words.
I wrote 1,455 today. Tomorrow I'll kick the ass of eleven thousand, even if I never leave the laptop.

Redbull, you taste like ass. Sorry, Redbull, I mean that in the best way possible.
Because, your ass-like taste, and what-the-fuck-electric color, you're the first energy to actually give me energy, instead of just depress me. Which is good.

Not as confident. But still kickin' it.
Uh-oh, trouble, a teacher wants to read it when it's done.

Music today was more from My American Heart, Kanye, and Rilo Kiley.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

hold your OWN Jacket.

So, I'm getting pretty good at this 'noveling' thing I think.
At least, I'm pretty good about kicking the asses of 'word count goals'.
Mostly trying to stay ahead of anyone doing the '1667' approach.
At the end of day four, they'd be at 6,668, I'm at 7,656. Yeah, I'm kicking their asses by 998 words. Deal with it.
Today I wrote 1,784. Pretty successful if I do say so myself.
Yep, I am getting dangerously arrogant about this. Uh-oh.

Music for today consisted of me rediscovering Hawthorne Heights - 'If Only You Were Lonely', more Kanye, and the new love of my life My American Heart - 'Hiding Inside The Horrible Weather'. Check out any of those that you haven't already. Let your life be changed.