Sunday, November 25, 2007

it'snot YOURFault soPlease STOPYOURCRYING now.

New total is 43,027 words. Ahead ahead ahead.
Today I wrote 1,981 words. Cool.
Okay, Chapter Ten is done at a stunning 9,610 words. Which means I wrote 1,172 words of Chapter Ten today.
Chapter Eleven is off to a start of 809 words.
My plot is all downhill from here, and drawing it out to 50k is where the challenging part of this whole thing begins.

According to my NaNo wordcount bar, I have 6,973 words to go.
I fucking rock. Admit it.
I'm ahead of you '1667'-ers by 1,352 words. Which, in case you didn't know, is ALOT.

My soundtrack = Reality TV once again.
I will rock out tomorrow and the rest of the week, though.

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