Saturday, November 17, 2007

i don'twannasay GOODNIGHT, to Records ILOVE.

The kid is back. New count is 29,336 words.
Obviously I'm going to kick my Weekend Three goal of 30k out of the water.
But, wowzers, this chapter is like never-ending, not that I'm complaining 'cause all words are good words, and it's a fun chapter.
By never-ending, I mean that SOFAR it's 5,692 words, and there's got to be at least 1k left in it.
Today I wrote 2,036 words, and wow.
I've been doing the self-wordwars, and that's like the best thing ever.

Today's music was half of Rilo Kiley's 'Under The Blacklight' album and half of The Rocket Summer's 'Do You Feel' album. Go check 'em out. 28339

And, if you're going '1667' a day, I'm beating you into the ground by 997 words.
Now that's more like it.

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