Saturday, November 3, 2007

she'sa SEVEN.

Three cheers for a half-finished chapter three.
Today's total is, drum roll please, 5,872, and today I added 2,322 of that.

Hooray for new music. Today I fell in love with: The Rocket Summer, by way of 'The Early Years EP' ;; The Audition, by way of 'Controversy Loves Company'.
I have some new picks all ready for tomorrow.

I am so confident in this whole thing now.
I rock. My novel rocks.

Friday, November 2, 2007

iwasyour SILVERLining.

So, 'The City By The Sea' is well under way. I've finished my first two introductory chapters, so now I can start the REAL action. I'm proud of myself.
I'm at 3,550. The first chapter is 2,080, and the second chapter is 1,470, I think.
May I repeat that I'm proud? I will anyway.
Today I had three cups of coffee, and now, even though I'm done writing for the day, I'm sipping at a most massive energy drink. So, I can't tell if my emotions are real or a product of this 'Taurine' stuff.

I've been listening to the albums 'Under The Blacklight' by Rilo Kiley, and 'Graduation' by Kanye West, and loving both of them. I need to find something else though, because writing for about two and a half hours straight I've gone through both of them twice, and as I learn the lyrics it gets more 'sing along' and less 'background music'.

Wowzers, this is time consuming, but it's hella fun, actually.
Stressful, a little, but hella fun.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

thisisthelasttimethat IWILLholdYOUR hand.

So, today was more successful than I thought it'd be.
That inner editor really is a pain, but it's surprisingly easier to chain him to some imaginary dungeon wall.
Finished my first chapter, a little shorter than I wished, but it'll all work out.


Monday, October 29, 2007


Yes. Now I have a plan of attack at least.
I've mapped out a chapter outline. Twelve chapters total, so about 4170-5000 words a chapter should do it.
I'll get discount Halloween candy and some other things this week or this weekend.
Here's hoping finding time to write will be easier than it's seeming.

-3 days 'til NaNoWriMo-